
Fluid typography and CSS math functions

July 09, 2021

The CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp() can be used for responsive font sizes. In this blog post I want to reveal to you the logic behind fluid typography and offer an interactive code generator, so you can easily experiment with the settings.

Specifying the font size in vw units allows us to scale make the font size resond to the width of the viewport. vw (viewport width) is defined as 1/100 of the viewport width. To calculate the correct font size in vw units we need to know the preferred font size at a specific viewport width. For example, if we want a font size of 24 pixels at a 1200 pixel wide screen that would translate to 24 / (1200 / 100) = 2vw. Use the code generator below to get the right vw value for any given viewport width and font size.

This font size is

/* edit the numbers above and resize the window */
font-size: 3.75vw
The second use case that we'll look at is a heading that grows taller as the viewport gets wider and stops growing as the maximum width of the layout is reached. An example for this behaviour is the text on the header of the home page of this blog. What we need to define here is the maximum width of the layout and the desired font size at the maximum width. The CSS min() function allows us to define the responsive preferred value and a maximum value.

This font size is

/* edit the numbers above and resize the window */
font-size: min(6.25vw, 48px)
The next example adds a minimum value to the equation. The clamp() function takes a minimum value, a responsive preferred value and a maximum value: clamp(min, preferred, max).

This font size is

/* edit the numbers above and resize the window */
font-size: clamp(24px, 6.25vw, 48px)

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Written by Heiner Behrends. is home to my portfolio and blog. Here I present personal projects focused on interactivity and blog posts that document my learning progress. Feel free to check out my portfolio. You can follow me on Twitter.

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